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Artist Info
Name: Carly Kolman
Location: IL
Piece Title: A Hidden Life
Piece History: This piece, and all my other stuff, is inspired by My Chemical Romance and The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Artist History: I've been very into poetry and art for a few years. I recently began writing poetry and song lyrics as a way to vent due to depresion and anxiety

A Hidden Life
On the outside she smiles
She can put on quite a good show
But please, don't let that fool you
For there's something hiding
Deep in the core of her sinister soul
She won't tell anyone
Why should she?
These things tend to repair themselves with time
But as the days slowly start to fade away
She can feel the hate
Ripping her apart from the inside
A smile can become hard to fake
While there's a dark stream of blood
Dripping from her fingertips
Taking with it the love and memories
That once flourished
She's gone
And only a crimson pool of a once happy life lingers here

© Carly Kolman